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Digital Marketing: The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Getting Noticed Online

Why Your Business Needs a Great Website and a Smart Plan Hey there, business owners! I'm Marc Skarda. Let’s cut through the online noise and get straight to the point—you need a solid online presence, and I'm here to show you how. It's not rocket science, it's just smart business...

Meeting Google and Yahoo’s Email Sender Requirements in 2024

From February 2024 onwards, Google and Yahoo are making it necessary for email senders to use email authentication, and there are also some important policy changes related to consent and engagement. If senders don't follow these rules, their emails might be delayed, blocked, or marked as spam. Even though this might feel like...


We recommend businesses seriously consider switching over to Microsoft Office 365 Exchange for emails, rather than domain hosted emails. Email technology has evolved. The common model was to run the emails through the hosting. The better model is to use Office 365 through Microsoft. Your email is still @yourbusinessname -...

Ready Reckoner Presentation

Ready to make this year count? Say goodbye to New Year's Resolutions and hello to accountability made easy with this inspirational session. With all the mentoring, business coaching, master-minding, you pick up some gems right? Those nuggets that stick with you, and help you get through. Join me (systems freak...

The Facts on the .au Domain Release

The facts on the .au domain release. No doubt you've been getting emails promoting buying your .au domain iteration if you have the domain Should you buy it? Only if you think someone might buy it and there might be conflict, or maybe compete with you or cause confusion...

How BIG Is Your Footprint? As interviewed by John Denton   How BIG Is Your Digital Footprint? Do you have prime keywords on Page 1 in Google? Find out how the world, and Google views your business online. Does Google even know you exist? Get some cool tools, learn some new tricks, and find out how Google thinks and...
POP3 vs IMAP Email Format

POP3 VS IMAP Email Format

So here's the thing, whether you receive your emails using the POP3 or IMAP format is up to you. It's an 'user end' setting and nothing to do with how the email is setup on the hosting/server end. The primary difference is this - - POP3 downloads the emails from...
How To Create a Solid Strategic Marketing Plan System

How To Create a Solid Strategic Marketing Plan System

Staying on track with a marketing plan can be quite a challenge if you aren't organized or systematic. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to develop a structured system using a platform I find quite helpful, Trello. I use Trello, a robust yet straightforward board-style project management tool...
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Become an Expert Connector…

Most people when they arrive at a networking event, gravitate to people they already know. It's human nature, easier to stay in our comfort zone right? You need to push yourself, especially if it doesn't come naturally, to talk to different people that you wouldn't normally. No use gravitating to...
Mobile Responsive Checks

Mobile Responsive Checks

Is your website mobile-friendly? Does it swiftly load on various mobile devices? Does it function smoothly across different devices? Is transacting with you a hassle-free process? Is reaching out to you easy? Typically, we find a handful of issues that could be hindering your conversion rates. What do we mean...
google keywords in domain name

Exposing the ‘Myth’ with Keywords in Domains!

Will having a keywords in my domain name help me rank better in Google? No is the short answer. It will not help one iota. It did years ago, but the days of keywords in domains helping your website to rank better are long gone. We're talking about at least...
Lady with Marketing Paralysis sitting at desk in office

Marketing Paralysis… the Struggle is Real!

Marketing paralysis. It's a thing. I'm going through it right now and you probably will too at some point. Coming up with marketing ideas, and something to promote, is NOT the issue for me. I've got a gazillion things I can offer that would help you online. So, no problem...

Stand Out in LinkedIn and Grow Your Circle of Influence

Top 7 Optimisation Tips and Connection Tip Optimised LinkedIn Users Are 40 Times More Likely to Get Contacted! ** To access your profile on mobile, use LinkedIn App, top left, ‘view profile’. It is certainly easier to edit on desktop back in office. Do NOT try to edit on mobile,...

Get More Website Pages Read, and Web Visitors To Stay Longer

I've been working with some clients to look at ways to help them increase the amount of time that web visitors stay on their website, and increase the amount of pages that get visited. So this is an E series, I'll use my website as an example. So this is...
mobile first indexing

Mobile First Indexing | 5 Must Knows

Since early 2018 Google has been issuing notifications on ‘mobile-first indexing’ meaning quite simply that the ‘mobile version’ of your site is what they’ll look at first. What does that mean for your website ranking? Google will base what it places in the index based on the mobile version of...
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