Smart Business Talk With Peter B Butler

Smart Business Talk are podcasts focused on helping business owners connect the dots in the online maze of websites, Google and social media. All from an online website marketer and SEO specialist to help you better leverage every action and implementation you take, with the right tools, insights and expertise to supercharge your marketing to help you become the local online hero, or go for world domination.

Peter has been in the online space for 12 years and helped many business owners from start-ups, one-person businesses to experienced professionals scale their business growth with greater success and better results from their marketing efforts.

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smart business talk with Peter B Butler

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006: Power of a Mastermind

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

There’s real power in a mastermind group IF you have the right structure and have a charter.

Get access to that charter, keep it simple.

Resource: Mastermind Alliance Agreement PDF

Power of a Mastermind

005: Does Google Even Know Your Website Exists?

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

How you can easily and quickly check how many pages Google has ‘indexed’ of your website.

Indexed meaning how many pages of your website exist according to Google.

Before you embark on any SEO or blog posts find out the before and after results, and learn how to play the game with Google. 

004: Why Your Website Is Not Converting Visitors to New Clients

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

We delve into what could turn your website into a lead generating machine, and some of it’s not hard or expensive to do, you just need to know what that is!

Make it EASY for people to do business with you.

We cover getting more visitors to become clients, powerful and effective calls to action, SEO (search engine optimisation), keywords, playing the game with Google.

Take people on that journey so by the time they talk to you, they’re sold on you already.

Makes for a better quality client!

003: Do You Actually Own Your Business Domain Name?

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

Do you own actually own your business domain name? You might be surprised!

Increasingly we’re seeing business owners not realising the possible loss, or damage, to their IP (intellectual property) or branding area of their business, with the risk of being held to ransom over domain name ownership.

This is one of the core values of your business, and it’s literally a 60 second check that can save business owners a lot of grief. A wise preemptive action step.

Resource: https://www.smarterwebsites.com.au/reports/domain-name-report/

002: Best Business Books – Round 1

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

What are the next game changer business books that should be on your READ list?

Want a business that runs itself? Read ‘Clockwork: Design Your Business To Run Itself’ by Mike Michalowicz.

The benchmark book of all time is ‘THe E-Myth Revisited’ by Michael Gerber.

‘Be Obsessive or Be Avaerage’ by Grant Cardone is great (Helped me with my OCD issues around business 🙂 ) 

‘Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges’ by Amy Cuddy – If you want to OWN that stage, a must read

‘Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message so Customers Will Listen’ by Donal Miller – COMPULSORY reading for ALL business owners

001: How To Turn Your Business Into a Saleable Asset

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

Listen in as John Denton shares how to get YOUR business ready to sell for maximum profit.

John has had extensive experience with the needs of small and medium businesses through his long time involvement with business associations and business incubators.

John also helps business owners build their businesses and fine tune them “ready for sale” and sell them. He believes that you should build a business as though you are going to keep it forever, but could sell it tomorrow! A business that’s “ready for sale” is well worth keeping.

An Introduction to Peter Butler – Smarter Websites

By Peter B Butler | February 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

Now, most businesses, a lot of organizations, and a whole stack of hobbies these days have websites. However, I have had so many conversations with website designers who just take me to death. I’ve got go idea what they’re talking about. And then I go, but I’m not sure like that blue and I go, well, what’s the blue that you wanted? It’s just such a frustrating conversation.

But today, I have met, possibly one of the best most sensible approaching with people ever. His name is Peter Butler. And he has a business called smarter websites. Peter, welcome.

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