How We Work Our Magic

Preliminary Meeting

  • Outline of our Website Levels and Modular System
  • Create a Stage 1 and Stage 2 approach, to suit your world domination plans, your budget and needs 
  • Discuss payment plan options

Project Scope Agreed and Signed

Next we need you to complete the Client Profile Form, for accounts, compliance, registrations, etc

Client Profile Form

Client Onboarding and Project Setup

We use a Project Workspace to communicate and collaborate with you, to make sure we all stay on the same page. Emails go awry, if someone forgets to reply all, missed information never helps a project run smoothly.

The portal still sends emails, it just helps to 'connect' and track them as 'threaded' messages.

  • Invoices and payment plan setup
  • Project Workspace Setup
  • Team members added to project workspace portal
  • Your invitation and welcome to this workspace
  • Shared Dropbox folder setup (if required with portfolio images)

SEO Bench Marking

If you have a pre-existing site we benchmark it's current SEO (search engine optimisation) status. Even without the SEO Module we know our websites rank better!

How can we get bragging rights if we don't have a benchmark to start with? This will be emailed to you before we even start the project, so you have it on file for comparison in 3 months time.

Project Brief Information Request

To make you look good online, we need to pull a lot of information together. We’ve made the brief questionnaires into bite-size chunks, which will make it easier for you.

  • Technical info, branding and assets, content and module questionnaires
  • Graphics requirements
  • Content source (owner or copywriter)
  • Required account accesses

Domain Access

  • Getting access to existing domain
  • Transfer to client domain portal (optional)
  • Registering new domain name

We're a domain reseller passing on virtual wholesale rates for domain registration or renewals.

Hosting Setup

  • Core WordPress installation
  • Core 'Smart Page Builder' Platform setup
  • Plugin suite installation
  • Managed support setup
  • Free SSL included

If you have an existing website, and we're building a new website on a 'development' site, we obviously still need to set up hosting for that.

Discovery, Strategy and Wireframe Session

Succeeding online is so much more than just having a great website. It's about strategy, and drilling down into the journey we need to take your prospects and clients on, for them to become new clients.

  • Analysis of your core 'cash-cows' in your business
  • Define website goals and targets
  • Review competitor and preferred model websites
  • Wireframe design strategy session
  • Drawing of the wireframe of the website homepage

We send through a project meet summary, with actions for both teams, yours and ours.

You get an image of the wireframe design for your records.

(We can go straight to design phase when using a turnkey pre-designed website)

Discovery, Strategy and Wireframe Session

Website Build Phase

This is where it all comes together... the brief information, the content, the images, the graphics, the wireframe layout, social links, platforms. With our teams grunt work we now build out your new website, loading it all adding all manner of functionality and sexiness...

  • Layout
  • Design
  • Content
  • Function
  • Mobile responsive
  • Modules integration (if included)

Modules Action Phase

Our optional 'Module' system helps you get better results online. That module may be built into the website, or it might sit alongside, either way it helps you leverage and grow your business.

Every business is different - we all have different marketing needs and different budgets. By breaking the whole 'website' and 'getting online' process into modules we're able to match every business needs with their budget and goals. This way, we can help meet the needs of every business!

Client Site Preview (Smart Section Series and Turn Key Industry Websites)

  • Site preview meet in office or online using Zoom
  • One edit round, up to One (1) hour
  • Extra edit rounds for only an additional $275 inc GST, up to One (1) hour
  • Website and commenting tool access

We will do a project meet summary, with actions for both the SW team and you.

We also provide access to the website and commenting tool so that you can provide your edit requests.

We ask that this be done 24 to 48 hrs if possible.

We don't start the edit round until AFTER you have completed your edit requests.

We move to the 'Go Live' stage after the edit round.

Client Site Preview (Premium Website Series)

  • Site preview meet in office or online using Zoom
  • Two edit rounds, up to Two (2) hours each
  • Extra edit rounds for only an additional $275 inc GST, up to One (1) hour
  • Website and commenting tool access

We will do a project meet summary, with actions for both the SW team and you.

We also provide access to the website and commenting tool so that you can provide your edit requests.

We ask that this be done 24 to 48 hrs if possible.

We don't start the edit round until AFTER you have completed your edit requests.

We move to the 'Go Live' stage after Edit Round 2.

Quality Assurance (Build Rap Up) Checks

  • Project scope checks
  • Module status check
  • Full website quality testing
  • Mobile and tablet responsive testing

Go Live

  • Ghost Build - transfer of website from development to live hosting
  • Live Build - we turn the website's maintenance mode off, easy peasy

Website Handover

  • Access for website and social media accounts are sent to client
  • Website quality assurance checks

Stage Two Plan

  • We map out with you the next stage for your online presence

Website Management

All of our websites come with a suite of video tutorials included in the managed support.

  • Smart section and turnkey website clients can get one to one training through a time block
  • Premium website clients get a complimentary walk-through session

Review and recommendations requests

We strive to provide such excellence for each and every project, and we sincerely hope that this describes your experience with us. 


We have a slick reviews request process, that we think you'll be dually impressed with, so much so you might want that module for your business. See reviews page here.

Support Portal

  • WHMCS - we set you up on our support portal (for clients under Managed Support)
  • We archive shared folders and the project space and move all communications to the WHMCS

Project Completion

  • Case study - we create case studies and showcase them on our website
  • Portfolio - we add the project in our online portfolio
  • Social media promotion - we promote your website in our social media pages
  • Send out cards campaign

Ongoing Help

If you'd like us to continue to work with you, either with digital marketing, dynamic SEO, Facebook advertising or further web development then we'd be honoured and rapt to be on your team.

  • High level managed support
  • Dynamic SEO
  • Facebook advertising
  • Social media help
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