Website Design

How To Win Brownie Points With Your Partner This Xmas – ‘Tested’

November 29, 2011

My wife was real cranky with me last Thursday night. Admittedly I was still in the office at 10pm but […]

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Don’t Do This Unless You Want SPAM, It’s Just Downright Dumb!

February 17, 2011

The bane of all business owners is Spam. We can waste so much time filtering and dealing with it, even […]

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Get Extra Traffic To Your Website 101.

January 26, 2011

Here’s one way YOU can increase your online exposure! Last week I did a post on the “Top Social Media […]

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A butcher, a baker and candlestick maker…

September 19, 2010

I didn’t know how else to start this post. Normally when we publish a new site I write a post […]

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Sharon of S & D Settlements “Goes Live”!

July 15, 2010

Sharon just wanted to get a web presence. Don’t “confuse me” she said. She understood the value of lead generation, […]

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Productivity Solutions

June 16, 2010

Here’s a productivity solution I’ve set up to keep working even when my butt gets stiff and sore. You can […]

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What Is the World Saying About You?

January 25, 2010

Do you know what the world is saying about you? Easiest way to find out is to Google Alert yourself! […]

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Don’t Do This Classic “I’m Gonna Get a Truckload Of Spam” Mistake!

November 19, 2009

Just caught one of my clients doing the classic – “I’ll make it easy for people to contact me” mistake […]

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When Did You Last Do a Website BackUp?

November 2, 2009

Have you ever lost a Word document? Lost an email maybe? It happens, right! And it’s an absolute pain in […]

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What Is Up With .au Domain Pricing?

October 30, 2009

Had a client who was getting ripped off for his domain name registration. To the  tune of  over $100. Ouch! […]

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