Gravatar – Your Online Everywhere Branding Profile

Gravatar, the short version for Globally Recognized Avatar, is essentially your online persona. It’s a profile that reflects who you are, associated with a specific email account, complete with an image and a blurb about you.

Why Should You Consider Having a Gravatar?

Possessing a Gravatar can do wonders for your personal branding. It brings life to your comments and aids in establishing your credibility. After all, it’s a more enjoyable interaction when you’re associating comments with faces rather than with an anonymous grey figure.

Moreover, each time your Gravatar is used, it generates a backlink to your website, acting as your online identity and presenting you to the world.

Remember, your online presence aims to satisfy two entities – search engines and individuals. The more search engines know about you, the higher the probability that people will discover our offerings.

Maintaining a balance between professionalism and personability in your interactions is crucial. After all, people prefer to do business with individuals who seem more ‘real’ and engaging.

Creating Your Gravatar: An Easy and Free Process

Getting a Gravatar is straightforward and costs nothing. Visit the Gravatar website and sign up using the email that you most often use for commenting. Next, add a photo – it can be a personal image, your company’s logo, or anything unique.

Gravatar also offers a helpful video to assist in explaining the process, if you prefer a visual guide.

Choosing the Right Gravatar: Reflecting Your Business

When choosing a Gravatar, consider the image you wish to project for your business. You could use your logo, which is beneficial for branding, but might lack a personal touch.

You could opt for a whimsical cartoon style, or a caricature. Or take an innovative approach by using a photo of you with your company’s branded items, like sipping coffee from your company’s mug. You could even combine your logo with a photo for a unique twist.

Remember, your Gravatar profile should be professional, but personable. It’s about making connections and engaging with people.

Before you set up a new account, you might want to check if you already have a Gravatar account. Use this link to check:

To help illustrate the importance of a Gravatar, check out a blog post and video I created:

Smart Actions:

  1. Check if you currently have a Gravatar >
  2. Fully complete your profile or create a new account
  3. Set up a Gravatar account

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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