Get More Web and Social Traffic, Look More Professional, and be Easier To Get Hold Of!

It’s the simplest thing ever, but seemingly the most overlooked in making it easy for people to do business with you.

It’s your email signature.

Here’s the ‘Anatomy of a Good Email Signature’ checklist.

There are 2 video walk-throughs of this at the bottom of this post, where I critique colleagues email signatures.


Graphics & Design:

  • No links in the main image, unless it’s your main weblink and it’s obvious it is
  • Sharp images, not blurry graphics
  • Size, not too big or small
  •  Mugshot, your photo for personalisation, and confidence, the trust factor
  • No links in the graphic, did I mention that already
  • Catch Cry or your BURPS or USP
  • Don’t use too many colours, make it gentle on the eye

Sectionise your signature so it’s easy to follow.

Contact details (NOT generally your email address)

  • Phone
  • Address

Links: Tell them what to do 

Great to have a link to your website or social media platforms, but you will see an increase in click-throughs if you tell them what to do –

  • Visit our website: then the link
  • Connect with us socially: then the various links
  • Reviews/Testimonials: (I don’t have them but it’s a great idea)

HINTS on getting more reviews and testimonials

Memberships or Affiliations:

  • ONLY that which is going to help prospect confidence, or some leverage

Booking/Appointment Software:

  •  If this going to save you time, absolutely Just Do It

New Messages & Replies/Forwards SETTINGS:

I can understand why some folk would deactivate the email signature on replies/forwards, say if you have a lot of internal business email traffic, but then again, maybe another way of communicating internally would be a better option. My recommendation is having your email signature turned on.

Make the text smaller, IF you really do need to have one, and likely a bit of space between the bottom of your signature and the disclaimer


Here’s the thing. Anything that once set up properly will deliver consistent results, even if only marginal, is worth doing, so just make it happen.

You WILL get more traffic through to your –

  • Website
  • Social platforms
  • Calendar/bookings page

When I send out broadcast emails from our email marketing software we can track all click-throughs, so I SEE the free traffic that we generate from using a well set up email signature.

It works!

So, that’s just the free traffic we’re getting with an email broadcast, and I send a lot more emails one on one direct from Outlook.

Remember, I’m all about ‘Massive Imperfect Action Beats Perfect Inaction‘.

So maybe do this in 2 stages, mainly so you can improve your signature TODAY, then do the follow-ups asap, coz you might organise other things to complete your signature.

Smart Actions:

1) Review your email signature

2) Make a list of top 5 changes that are needed

3) Make the changes

4) Set in motion the other ‘things’ that you need to complete the upgrade

5) Set a calendar appointment to implement stage 2

6) Do stage 2

Bottom line is you now look more professional, and are easier to get hold of.

I’ve done video tutorials on this –

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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