Connect with Local Business Owners To Get Constant Work!

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Ever considered networking? Does the thought scare you?

(Seasoned networkers still read on, so you can better help newbie networkers)

There are generally 2 types of networking groups and events –

1) Sundowner or breakfast meeting with a guest speaker hosted by your local chamber of commerce style meeting

2) Referral Style Networking group – Based on connecting with local business owners on a regular (weekly or fortnightly)

This is more about # 2 – Referral Style Networking group

Why do business referral networking?

  • You build a network of both suppliers and resources
  • You can learn from other people
  • You have a pool of expertise to draw on
  • You get to improve your presentation skills in a safe environment
  •  You make friends who understand business
  • They send you customers 🙂

Networking accounts for around 70% of our business at Smarter Websites, so obviously vital.

Do YOU have a fear of speaking to groups!

When I joined my first networking group over a decade ago, I was terrified at the thought of speaking to a group of people.

The moment I stood up, brain and mouth connection went to mush.

I mostly had a sense of what I wanted to say, but because of my overwhelming fear, I wasn’t able to think straight, and not quite sure what I said, but mostly it wasn’t what I’d planned. I ‘dribbled’ I’m sure…

Plus I don’t have a poker face, what I’m feeling shows straight up, so if I’m embarrassed, my face will glow red.

So my face was red a lot.

But I pushed myself, I knew that others had to have gone through what I was.

Plus I knew I had to overcome this, I knew networking was going to be a game changer for my business.

So, my recommendation for newbies is use the ‘model’ structure below, and make key points on an index card. Read from it, despite what others might say if you’re not confident. You’ll get better and more at ease each time.

1) Your name, and business name

2) A differentiation, short and sweet. Could be unique for that week, or generic.

3) Our ideal client is >

4) Call To Action: (Options to suit you)

– If you can think of someone either send me their phone number so I can call them, but let them know to expect my call

– Do an intro email between both myself and them with their phone number so I can follow up

5) Finish with your name and business name, and ‘hook’ if you have one

And this would vary from meeting to meeting, to suit your needs at that time.


1) Hi, I’m Peter Butler of Smarter Websites. We’re this groups website designers.

2) We specialise in helping business owners grow their business using their website and anything online.

3) This week I’m looking for ANY business where you have a personal relationship with located on Dixon Road. Here’s what I need.

4) Their name, business name, email and contact number. I will do the rest.

Please, we’re doing a special for local business owners with a focus on Dixon Road so any business owners you know, please pass their details onto me.

5) Peter Butler of Smarter Websites, helping business owners go for world domination ?

Here’s a model template you can print out, hope it helps >

Smart Actions:

1) Download the template

2) Print of a dozen or so

3) Fill in the blanks

4: Go visit a local network referral group near you

If you’d like to talk more about how network groups can help boost your business let’s chat >

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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