Why Every Website Needs an FAQ Page!

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, and we’ve all got a bunch of them that we hear on a regular basis.

Here are three reasons why creating an FAQ page is essential:

  1. It can be a massive time-saver

By offering a link to commonly asked questions, you can cut down on repeated queries. Furthermore, it positions you as an expert in your field and helps potential customers recognize your expertise.

  1. It’s a handy tool for marketing

You can utilize the FAQ page for email marketing, social media promotion, or even personal marketing, guiding people to the page for answers.

  1. It boosts SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

FAQs can land in the ‘Google Answer Box’, a special feature that highlights quick answers in a box at the top of search results. These are called ‘featured snippets’ and can get prime positioning in search results, a golden spot to aim for!

You’ve probably seen the box with a question and a dropdown arrow. Clicking on the dropdown reveals a quick answer. This prime real estate is due to ‘structured data’, a fancy SEO term. But don’t worry about the technicalities; focus on crafting your FAQ list. This should be a breeze since you already know the answers, given how often you’re asked these questions.

For a more detailed approach, create a content piece, possibly a blog post, and a concise summary for the FAQ page. Include the short version on the FAQ page and link to the full version. Google adores this approach.

This strategy results in an excellent rich snippet setup, with structured data, and can potentially earn you significant website authority, leading to improved rankings and increased web traffic. The journey to web domination begins here…

Smart Actions:

  1. Start by listing 3 to 5 of your most frequently asked questions along with their answers. If you feel up to it, feel free to add more. The point here is to get started.
  2. Research your ‘question’ keywords

Identify the questions people ask about your brand, product, or service. Use the ‘People also ask’ feature in Google Search, and ‘Answer the Public’ for ideas and to find the right questions to answer. Here’s the link to get you started: Answer the Public. The goal here is to find the exact questions people are asking.

  1. Structure your ‘answers’ for ‘Google Answer Box’

Your answers should be concise and straightforward, ideally no more than 50 words. Use lists, subheadings, etc. to make it easily readable for Google.

  1. Consider what you can realistically accomplish in a short time

If your answers require more detailed explanation, perhaps start with simple FAQs and then prepare the long-form ones for round two. If you’re efficient, create your detailed answer, and upload it as a blog post to link your FAQ to.

  1. Get your FAQ page up and running. If you need assistance, seek help from your tech-savvy friend or team.
  2. Reach out to an SEO expert to ensure your structured data is set up correctly.

Here’s a link if you need an audit: Website audit Or schedule a 15-minute 1 on 1 Zoom session with me: Schedule a meeting

Let me share an amusing story:

We were providing SEO services for a local company and suggested setting up an FAQ page. The owner’s assistant couldn’t quite grasp the concept. So, we explained that an FAQ page provides answers to common questions, which would save them time and improve SEO. She sent us the questions, but no answers. We had to explain again that an FAQ page requires both questions and answers!

This is a true story–you can’t make up stuff like this!

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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