Best Website Platform to Build Your Website On, and Why!

Could spark a debate, but let's dive in...

The ranking order for the top six platforms are as follows:

  1. WordPress
  2. Joomla
  3. Shopify
  4. Drupal
  5. Squarespace
  6. Wix

In my view, Joomla's high count is due to legacy websites from over a decade ago when WordPress and Joomla were pretty much alike.

Shopify's large user base aligns with the rise of DIY eCommerce websites, yet I'm more inclined towards WooCommerce.

As for Drupal, I share the same viewpoint as Joomla – mainly old, legacy websites.

Squarespace and Wix have gained traction due to the increase in DIY hosted website platforms.

However, one should be wary of Wix. As you add more features, the recurring monthly costs escalate. You can either develop it yourself or hire a designer, yet it's still limited compared to WordPress.

The essential question is – why start with one platform, only to switch later? Sounds like a questionable business decision to me.

With the sprawling open-source community and the emergence of easy-to-edit platforms, WordPress is not confined to theme styles, making it an unparalleled choice.

WordPress eases the process of scaling your website as your business expands.

Here's the latest data, updated weekly, tracking ALL websites globally.

Global Website Tracker

This isn't merely about popularity. The vast gap between WordPress, commanding over 35% of ALL websites globally, and the next competitor, Joomla with 2%, signifies why we choose WordPress.

Flashback to 12 years ago, WordPress and Joomla were level pegging. Glad we made the right choice :)

We exclusively build with WordPress.

Our preference stems from our belief that WordPress offers clients the BEST platform for business expansion.

Have a look at this Facebook LIVE Video where I share WHY WordPress is an indisputable leader >

Reasons why WordPress is the leader

Ensure EVERY feature on your website is optimized for BEST results.

Smart Actions:

  1. Opt for a Website Audit OR an SEO Rank Report

Website Report
SEO Report


** Caveat: Complex eCommerce solutions might be better off with Magento, supplemented with a skilled Magento developer.

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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