Social is NOT a Place To Sell

Social is NOT a place to sell, but a place to educate.

Thing is everyone wants to buy, but no-one wants to be sold to…

So educate, inform, share your knowledge and wisdom. And people will naturally want to know more.

A good salesperson views themselves as a consultant, not a salesperson, so when a person strolls in off the street to the store they are simply advising and helping the prospect to make the right decision about the product or service that will meet their needs.

The salesperson doesn’t ‘smell of sell’… but they get the sale.

That’s the model.

Use social media to inform, educate and connect with the people in your circle of influence. Share valuable information. Don’t give away the baby with the bath but do give useful tips and tricks that will make a difference for your audience.

When you do this, what would be happening for your readers and their perception of you?

A few things actually, the first is credibility!

They’re reading your stuff and learning some elements that they may not have known about, or maybe it reinforced what they’d heard before. Either way, their view of you as being someone that has knowledge and insight in this area is being strengthened. Your credibility is increasing.

What else is happening?

Trust is being established. Same as the consultant in the store, we bought from them because they were helpful, they certainly didn’t just seem to be there to get a sale, they showed they were interested in us by asking lots of questions.

They knew what they were on about right? And we trusted them.

The simple truth is we don’t buy from someone we don’t trust, that’s a fact.

And that’s the real power with social media marketing. Relationship and Positioning!

Using valuable information, tips and tricks you have been positioned as the ‘go-to person’ for your field of expertise.

It can grow your expert status exponentially in time frames you never thought possible.

Here’s a web page that may be helpful > Social is NOT a place to sell, but a place to educate.

Thing is everyone wants to buy, but no-one wants to be sold to…

So educate, inform, share your knowledge and wisdom. And people will naturally want to know more.

A good salesperson views themselves as a consultant, not a salesperson, so when a person strolls in off the street to the store they are simply advising and helping the prospect to make the right decision about the product or service that will meet their needs.

The salesperson doesn’t ‘smell of sell’… but they get the sale.

That’s the model.

Use social media to inform, educate and connect with the people in your circle of influence. Share valuable information. Don’t give away the baby with the bath but do give useful tips and tricks that will make a difference for your audience.

When you do this, what would be happening for your readers and their perception of you?

A few things actually, the first is credibility!

They’re reading your stuff and learning some elements that they may not have known about, or maybe it reinforced what they’d heard before. Either way, their view of you as being someone that has knowledge and insight in this area is being strengthened. Your credibility is increasing.

What else is happening?

Trust is being established. Same as the consultant in the store, we bought from them because they were helpful, they certainly didn’t just seem to be there to get a sale, they showed they were interested in us by asking lots of questions.

They knew what they were on about right? And we trusted them.

The simple truth is we don’t buy from someone we don’t trust, that’s a fact.

And that’s the real power with social media marketing. Relationship and Positioning!

Using valuable information, tips and tricks you have been positioned as the ‘go-to person’ for your field of expertise.

It can grow your expert status exponentially in time frames you never thought possible.

Here’s a web page for elements in social media to consider >

We hope that helps.

Smart Actions:

1) How can you better educate people through your social posts?

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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