SEGUE: Stay in Touch

It’s a common mistake many entrepreneurs make – not capitalizing on the valuable client contact details that are kept tucked away somewhere.

Have you met a slew of business professionals but seldom reach out to them? Why would you let that opportunity slip away?

I often hear responses like, “Well, I don’t want to spam their inbox. I wouldn’t want that myself.”

Great point! Nobody likes unsolicited emails. But remember, there’s a difference between spamming and providing relevant, engaging content.

Consider this: What if you had a system set up from the start, where you informed clients, networking colleagues, and individuals from relevant groups about your periodic newsletter? You’d share regular updates, and they would have the choice to opt out whenever they wanted. How many contacts do you think you would accumulate?

The answer is likely in the hundreds, if not thousands!

People don’t object to being informed, as long as they’ve given their consent. Even if some decline, it’s not a problem because you’ve provided them with an option. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?

Over 14 years, I’ve built up a list of 14,500 contacts myself, and, factoring in attrition, my active list still consists of 5,500 individuals. All because I adopted permission-based marketing from the start!

Yet, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the quality of connections.

These contacts should be individuals you are acquainted with and have a connection to. You need to be strategic and develop a plan. Merely hoping that people will seek you out when they require your services isn’t a plan – it’s just wishful thinking.

So, start building your contact list, stay connected, and you’ll notice an increase in sales. This strategy will even provide cushioning during challenging times.

Keep an open mind as you continue exploring the ‘Stay in Touch’ series…

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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