Know How and When To Build Your Team

As you get busier there comes a tipping point when you just need more people.

Trouble is people cost, and they cost consistently.

It’s like when I first needed a bookkeeper, I needed more dollars, but I knew when I got a bookkeeper I’d have more time to make more dollars.

The entrepreneurial juggling act again.

There is some prep work you will need to do before you can hire anyone to build your team.

Best way to get started, track where your time goes each day, then decide what tasks don’t actually need you to do them.

You also need to look at how you are going to teach your new team member how to do these tasks. Let’s tackle these things one at a time…

List Tasks:

You want to make sure your time is freed up to do more of the tasks that earn you say $100+ an hour. So any tasks that are worth less than that would be tasks you could hand over to another team member.

Break the tasks into categories – Admin, Support, Bookkeeping, Production (what you do), Sales, Marketing, etc. Assign different values per hour.

Track the tasks for a week, as you go.

The ones that are worth the least are the first ones to handoff.

How To Teach These Tasks:

An easy way to do this is, when you do each task next, record a video on how you do it. By the time you will be organised and have actually hired your team member, you will have a video library ready to go for them to watch and learn.

Hire Locally or Offshore?

Depends on the tasks and whether it has to be local or can be remote.

You can hire an offshore team member for as little as US$4 per hour depending on the skill set required for the tasks.

Things to consider.

Local Staff:

Some roles, and some business owners require local staff. It’s certainly a lot easier to show and tell when peeps are right there.

You will pay more, and then have to consider tax implications, superannuation, HR compliance.

They will generally speak better English.


Some remote staff have very good English, but what many don’t realise is comprehension needs to be considered. Interpretation of tasks with offshore staff can be a challenge.

No tax implications, although we offer sick leave, annual leave, and honour the recognised remote staff 13-month bonus system.

More time needs to be invested into creating training resources, but when it’s done it’s there for new staff, so well worth the investment.


I have seen many business owners fail with remote staff simply because they didn’t invest in training. They assumed they could assign the tasks and leave them to it.

You need to train, have step by step checklists, use videos, screenshots.

Then have regular follow-ups, discussions on how things are going.

We’ve built a really tight team, have 2 meetings a week, with regular chats through each day.

Build your team, and you will move from having a ‘practice’ to having a solid ‘business’. Invest in your people.

So, whether to go local or remote offshore staff is yours, whatever fits your budget and you feel comfortable with.

Smart Actions:

1) List all your regular tasks, by category

2) Assign a rough value to each category

3) What is your budget? Local or remote offshore?

4) Recruit

5) Record video instructions on how to do each task

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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