Best Platforms For Online Reviews (and how to get more)

What platforms are the best to showcase the best of what people say about your business?

The online review options can be broken down into 3 categories

  • Social Platforms
  •  Local Directories
  • Online Review Speciality Platforms

What ‘social platforms’ do your prospects hang out on?

Are they active on Facebook or LinkedIn? Get reviews on those, because even more of your ideal clients will see those reviews.

Where else can you display reviews or testimonials?

Next is ‘Local Directories’ which generally act as both an online search directory as well as a review platform.

So like True Local, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Start Local, Hot Frog, etc.

Google My Business is next up. Getting reviews on Google is GOLD! It is the world’s BIGGEST Directory. As we say, play the game with Google and Google WILL play the game with you.

Online Review Speciality Platforms

Trust Pilot, and a bunch of others I’m not familiar with, so not going to bother confusing the mix. Trust Pilot is well recognised, and as business owners, we’re busy enough now wearing one of our many hats, so adding any more might be a later job. Get Trust Pilot for Professionals and Corporate for sure.

How To Get More

If you already have some reviews sent directly to you, but not on social or directories, we recommend sending that person an email, with a direct link to where you want the review, and copy/paste their existing review so all they need to do is > click > copy >paste > then phone them to actually make it happen.

People have the best intentions, but need ‘guiding’ 🙂

Best Time To Get Reviews

Right when the person is at their absolute highest ‘raptness’ (rapt with joy) so as soon as you finish the gig, or when they rave about you. So send the request through IMMEDIATELY!

Not later that day, not tomorrow, doing it immediately will guarantee a better response rate.

I’m really passionate about reviews, getting them, giving them, to the point where we have a ‘smarter reviews’ module to help business owners better showcase their business. This is not a sell, but on this page, there is a whole lot more info even if you just use that to better self-manage your own reviews.


1) When is the best time to get that testimonial or rave?
2) What if a client is not on any social platforms?
3) What if I get a negative review?
4) What about ‘permissions’ to use the testimonials in your other marketing?
5) How reviews can help you get more referrals

What others say about you is infinitely more profound and powerful than what we say about us.

Get reviews, and build on them.

Smart Actions:

1) Make a decision which platform or platforms will give you the best exposure

2) Make your master list, record this

3) Contact previous review peeps to now get those reviews on social or directories

4) Make sure as soon as you finish or deliver your next gig, ask for a review

5) Create a checklist to ensure you always request a review, don’t be random, be systemised…

See our reviews >

Our track record:

  • 22 – Facebook Reviews/Recommendations
  • 44 – LinkedIn Recommendations
  • 36 – Google Reviews
  • 12 – True Local
  • 1 – Trust Pilot (only just started)
  • Dozens – Direct website reviews

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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