7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Marketing Budget For Web Video Before June 30

As we draw closer to the end of another financial year, business owners find themselves doing two things with their marketing budgets.

1. Prioritising last minute tax deductible marketing investments

2. Planning their marketing budgets for next financial year

videoWhatever category you fall into, this post will explain 7 reasons why you should be considering web video as part of your strategy.

1. It’s only getting bigger

Video is here to stay and the longer you wait, the harder you’ll be working to catch up. Companies that invest in securing a solid online video presence now are sure to gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

2. One video is no longer enough

Having a sales video on your home page and relevant landing pages is an obvious move, but now people expect more than that. Where is your latest video blog? Do you have videos on each of your products and services? What about video testimonials? Prioritise these things now and expect to generate more qualified and engaged potential clients knocking at your door

3. Social Media loves Video.

Facebook posts with video get shared 12 times more than posts with just text. YouTube videos get shared, embedded and played in more places than just YouTube alone. Video gets shared all over the web and gives marketers an edge in the social space.

4. Search Engines love Video

Google owns YouTube, but did you also know that a web page with video is 53 times more likely to appear in the Search Engine Results Pages than one with text alone? If you want more traffic from the search engines, video is a great way to boost your results.

5. You control the story

When people press play, you’re in control of what message they get, and in what order. You can communicate with visuals and audio, so you get a deeper level of engagement and you can hold their attention easier. Marketing without video makes effective communication challenging - why rely on just text and images alone?

6. Build trust faster

Imagine the trust you could build with your prospects if they had spent over 20 minutes watching you on video before you met in person. People can see your body language, your passion, your energy and your confidence on video in ways that text and images alone can never communicate. Regular video content targeted at your ideal clients gives you leverage and builds relationships on autopilot.

7. Get more leads & sales

Video boosts conversion rates. It’s that simple. Why spend more money next financial year on getting more traffic to your website when you could invest in making your site convert more enquiries with a simple and persuasive web video? Video can boost conversion rates dramatically and gives lasting returns from a single investment.

[Updated January 2019 - Call 08 9439 2820 for an intro to our Strategic Video Partners]

If you’d like to learn more about how to use web video in your business, check out the upcoming video marketing workshop in Perth I am running on May 9.

Use “PETERB” in the form below as a promotional code to save an extra $100 off your tickets.
All tickets include a FREE 20 minute studio video session (plus editing) valued at $397.

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