AI Content Length/Limit Considerations

AI Content Length/Limit Considerations

We use TeamGPT routed the through ChatGPT to managed our AI.

We learnt something new when we do long form AI Chats, here's info we never knew, which may well apply with long form chat workflows.

Here you can see the message limit and context limits of all the models available:

Note: maxLength stands for the maximum length of the input message and tokenLimit stands for the context limit (when you exceed the context limit the model starts to "forget" previous prompts sent earlier on in the same chat)

[OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO,
name: 'GPT-3.5-turbo',
maxLength: 10000,
tokenLimit: 4000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_0613]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_0613,
name: 'GPT-3.5-turbo-0613',
maxLength: 10000,
tokenLimit: 4000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_16K]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_16K,
name: 'GPT-3.5-turbo-16k',
maxLength: 48000,
tokenLimit: 16000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_1106]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_3_5_TURBO_1106,
name: 'GPT-3.5-turbo-1106-16k',
maxLength: 48000,
tokenLimit: 16000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_4]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_4,
name: 'GPT-4',
maxLength: 24000,
tokenLimit: 8000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_0613]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_0613,
name: 'GPT-4-0613',
maxLength: 24000,
tokenLimit: 8000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_32K]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_32K,
name: 'GPT-4-32k',
maxLength: 96000,
tokenLimit: 32000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_32K_0613]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_32K_0613,
name: 'GPT-4-32k-0613',
maxLength: 96000,
tokenLimit: 32000,
[OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_1106_PREVIEW]: {
id: OpenAIModelID.GPT_4_1106_PREVIEW,
name: 'GPT-4-turbo-128k',
maxLength: 384000,
tokenLimit: 128000,

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Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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