Get BIG Discounts on Software

One of the fastest-growing and most lucrative business on the planet is SaaS, Software as a Service.

Most business owners have at least one SaaS they use, like Xero for bookkeeping, you pay a monthly fee for access to that software, so, software as a service.

A company called ‘AppSumo’ find and partner with leading tech companies to offer ‘Life Time Deals’ known as LTD.

So instead of paying that monthly fee, you pay once for the lifetime use of that software, and at an awesome price. You can save thousands of dollars. Plus you always get updates of that software, for life.


Example: I use ‘Book Like a Boss’. People can book an appointment with me through a web page that connects with my Outlook calendar. All automated.

They can select from a 15 minute, 30 or 60-minute time-slot, decide whether it’s an in-office meet, or via Zoom Online plus other sexy features.

So for the level, I’m at instead of paying US$12 per month forever, I paid a once of fee of US$98 and been running it at least 5 years, and love it.

With some special offers you can ‘stack’ an LTD licence, and you get more features.

I did a 2 ‘stack’. So each licence was actually $49 and I went 2 stacks and got the extra features of SMS notifications and can embed on my website.

Well worth it. Hence being a bit of an LTD junkie.

A word of warning. Make sure you redeem the deal within the set time frame, or you lose it.

So why would software companies offer their software at such crazy prices?

2 primary reasons:

1) Get an injection of cash

2) Get a massive boost in branding awareness

These are genuine discounts, no smoke and mirrors here.

My rules for purchasing LTD:

  • Do I really need it?
  • Will it help me save time, $$$ or make life easier?
  • Am I realistically going to implement using it in the next 30 days?

If not, walk away from the keyboard people ?

Be aware there is a phenomenon called FOMO – fear of missing out.

It helps drive massive sales on AppSumo simply because the deals expire, so peeps buy it ‘just in case’, for fear o missing out.

So how is this a part of world domination? Productivity, marketing, sales, social media effectiveness and it goes on.

Smart Actions:

1) Visit AppSumo regularly, or subscribe

2) Be strong, only buy what you need

3) Only buy what you will realistically implement within 30 days

Here’s a demo of my BLAB (book like a boss) appointment scheduling page

There is also another phenomenon called JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out ?

Be strong, don’t become a junkie, get what will make a difference in growing your business.

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Peter B Butler

Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

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