How Secure Is Your Website?

Have you noticed a sudden surge in spam emails or notifications? Heard more reports of hackers running amok?

Not only that, I have it on good authority that the incidence of "hack attacks" on websites is on the increase.

As frustrating as spam emails are, Viagra and the like, I understand the reasoning, a small percentage of people may click and buy. What I really don't get is why people would try and install a virus on your PC, there is no benefit back to them except to say they're a "clever dick". And there has been a surge of very malicious attachments and virus's.

But what really riles me is hackers. If they want to show off getting into high security sites as a pride thing I can get that it may be a challenge thing to them. OK, mission accomplished. Trouble is there is a huge cost to the business and invariably that passes on down to the community, which is mostly us as the user or consumer.

But what I totally don't get is when hard working solo entrepreneurs, professionals and small businesses get hacked.

What is that about?

Anyway, as an extra security measure my recommendation is to update your password, that is your WordPress login password.

Your username will have to stay the same but I would recommend updating it to at least a 15 digit password, mixed of upper and lower case letters, plus add numerical along with symbols. Something very random.

I've done a short video to show you how to actually update this in your admin area.


I also have a link to Nortons random online password generator.

My recommendation is to use at least a 15 digit password. I won't tell you exactly how many mine is but I'll give you a clue, it's more than 30 and less than 60. David, my tech tells me I'm bordering on paranoia.

Here's one thought - What would happen to all your work and business IF you got hacked and lost all your web content? Does the thought of that concern you?

Update it sooner than later.

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