New Supersize Your Social Media Marketing Success! e-series.

The AMI, Australian Marketing Institute run workshops for their members and I was asked to put together a presentation on social media marketing.

Practical "to do's for results" for the members was my plan.

I get tired of workshops that tell you "what to do" without telling you "how to do it" so I got very specific and detailed. At the end of the day I wanted the members to go away and have very specific actions that would increase their on-line social media profile.

I've taken that presentation and made it available in a new mini e-series - "Supersize Your Social Media Marketing Success". If you want to get that simply click on the orange "Social Media Marketing" button to the left or on my home page. Either that or make a comment below and I'll get that sent directly to you.

Supersize Your Social Media Marketing with a simple step by step e-series.

Here's a rave from one of the AMI members

Hi Peter,

Thank you for sending this through.

And thank you for your presentation at the AMI workshop, it was definitely the highlight of the day for me.  J

Enjoy your week!

Kind regards


Suzanne Loveland BComm AMAMI
p/f. 9302 4737
m. 0412 948 921

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Peter B Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...

2 thoughts on “New Supersize Your Social Media Marketing Success! e-series.”

  1. Mark,

    Do you a deal and I’ll tell you how. Make a comment in it and I’ll reveal all. Pretty cool huh?

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