MRAWA Relaunch

Jan 10, 2020

The Client:

The MRAWA is a non-profit voluntary organisation that has existed in Western Australia for over 30 years.

Political representation regarding road safety and legislation affecting motorcyclists are our main aims. That is, to oversee all motorcyclists rights and work for a fair and sensible deal for ALL motorcyclists.

MRAWA's old site needed a redesign so that it can keep up with the current website trends. It also needed fixing in certain parts in that it needed better presentation.

The website also need to improve in terms of SEO.

The MRAWA team also needed a Directory Listing Management. They also needed to add more 'safety' elements to the home page to lift safety awareness.

The plan was to do a website redesign and improve the display of web pages that only use basic layouts by doing custom page styles.

The team also planned to setup recurring social media posts and do SEO on important pages.

All of these will pave the way to more video views, more page views, better engagement, higher interaction, sharing and results with Google.

The SW team designed a fresh site that matches the style and brand of the organization. They also setup a better way to display pages, particularly the blog posts page using new technology so viewers can see all posts as thumbnails and use scroll forward/backward to view all posts and tips.

The team also setup a custom styled page for their Directory Listing Management.

The website is looking very sexy. It is now very impressive in style, engagement points and calls to actions.

The Rider Risk Series videos are now displayed as thumbnails on a page and then visitors can watch one video in the display window in sequence. The videos will definitely get more views and better results in terms of engagement, interaction and social sharing.

All in all, we have to say the relaunch is very successful.

The Before and After:

This is how the website displays on a PC



The Praise:


Smarter Websites proved to be very professional when upgrading our website to bring the MRAWA into the 21st Century. The automation now built into the website has replaced the majority of the behind-the-scenes work involved for the webmaster, the result of which, has increased our communication abilities to the wider motorcycling community.

Their support has always been prompt, efficient and with a smile making Smarter websites a pleasure to deal with. I do not hesitate to recommend them to anyone wishing to create or upgrade their website.

The Package:

Services/Modules Used to Solve the Problem

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