Jani Murphy & Associates Membership Platform

Apr 23, 2020

The Client:

Jani Murphy is a workplace productivity expert with over twenty years' experience in improving business processes.

She has HBDI® Certification and is an accredited facilitator of the Whole Brain® Thinking training used to maximise team performance. Jani is a member of Professional Speakers Australia. She works with organisations across all sectors including clients Woodside Energy Ltd, RAC WA and Lotterywest.

Jani Murphy is well renowned for the calibre of her face to face workshops. The obvious next level was to be able to deliver these programs in an online model.

Although she would still deliver these in a face to face workshop environment, she also needed to direct her workshop attendees to an online website that contains follow up tools and resources addresses in the workshop.

She decided to create a membership website.

The plan was to setup her online workshops on a membership site under a subdomain of her current website. Sections for the follow up online resources for people who attended the workshop should also be in place.

One of the challenges is how to get all of her previous workshop attendees on the membership site and doing it in a very easy and smooth process.

The team and Jani had a strategy meeting and discussed the approach and screen flow for the membership website. A few more meetings and we were able to streamline and align the website with Jani's goals and vision.

We setup the courses, resources, membership types, added the videos from Jani's Vimeo account and also placed view restrictions. For online subscription payment, we used and configured her Paypal and integrated it to the membership website.

As for the workshop attendees, we added a welcome email and strategised on how to best add them on the system. Needless to say, we came up with a very good solution, the process was very user-friendly for both Jani's team, the SW team and the potential members of the website.

The membership site launch is very successful. There are now a lot of attendees that have signed up who are now using the membership site.

The Website:

This is how the website displays on a PC

The Praise:


Smarter Websites recently developed a Membership site for me. I found Peter and his team very approachable and easy to deal with. All my queries and issues were responded to very promptly - nothing was too much effort.

I'm very happy with the outcome.

The Package:

Services/Modules Used to Solve the Problem

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