2 Easy Shutters Relaunch

Nov 27, 2020

The Client:

2 Easy Shutters, a family-run local Perth business, started when they noticed a gap in the market in Perth.

Premium shutters add great value and appeal to homes and 2 Easy Shutters wanted these products to be easily available to a wider number of people.

2 Easy Shutter's existing website was simple and smart, although it had no calls to action of lead capture. They needed to look more professional to mix it with the big players in this market. They also needed more leads from their website.

The business is very new so they want to set it up properly from the start.

The existing website needed to stay live, so the new site was built on a staging site.

We styled several pages to better showcase their services. We also implemented page by page SEO to keep and further improve their current rankings. We also set up and optimised their Google Business listing to help 'play the game with Google'.

Finally, the website will boast of an online 'quote' form where visitors can get an instant quote. Lead capture at its best.

The project started off with a very productive discovery and strategy session with Rob. We looked at several competitor and model websites and brainstormed on ideas to come up with an effective homepage wireframe design.

The build was a breeze and the team meticulously polished it with Rob's input. The custom styled pages really gave the website the professional edge it needed.

Building the online quote form was a mean feat. We developed an online quote form that's easy to use, and even customised the email notifications so that the quote is presented very clearly and professionally.

The site has just gone live and already the feedback has been impressive.

2 Easy Shutter's online presence has had a massive makeover.

Brand new, highly functional website set up correctly and at a professional level.

The Before and After:

This is how the website displays on a PC



The Praise:


Coming soon!

The Package:

Services/Modules Used to Solve the Problem

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