Do all businesses need to be on social media?

If you’re already attracting new business through other means,
then why would you even bother with social media? Right?

Well, the results that our social media clients have achieved have proven that “Yes”, any business looking to succeed should consider social media.

Here's why social media is so important for business:

  • Believe it or not, your potential customers live on social media
  • Your social pages let you engage directly with potential customers
  • Because you’re social, potential customers get to know, like and trust you
  • When customers share your content, their friends discover you
  • You reduce your marketing budget by attracting FREE traffic to your website
  • If you decide to advertise on social media, it’s super affordable
  • You get another space where you can collect reviews (social proof is KING)
  • If you have a brick-and-mortar outlet, you can attract more foot traffic faster
social media img
social media

While all this sound like good reasons to hop onto Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media channels, the reality is social media can be overwhelming, confusing and time consuming.

Not only that, it can be so hard to keep up with, especially with the constant changing in what businesses can or can’t do on social media.

You wouldn’t want to just jump onto it blindly.

You’d look like an amateur or a dinosaur, right?

We understand, because that’s exactly what our clients used to tell us when we’d asked why they were not on social media already …

or if they were, why they were not very active.

But they didn’t have to worry about that any longer!


Our clients also didn’t know that they already had a ton of social snippets ready to go. They just didn’t realise that they could recycle their existing content.

Within the first consultation session with our social media team, these business owners built their first proper framework of social posts. They learned how to use simple tools designed for busy people who want to capture social post ideas on the fly. This way, they didn’t need to stress about making time to brainstorm ideas.

So, within the first session, they were already overjoyed: “OMG, are you serious, it’s that simple?”


With a little more support from our social media team, each client quickly created a massive vault of 100s of social media posts ready to be pushed out to social media via their:

  • Facebook Profile
  • Facebook Business Page
  • Facebook Groups
  • Google My Business (play the game with Google, and Google WILL play the game with you)
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • LinkedIn Company Page
  • Twitter Business Profile
  • Instagram Business Profile

Plus, anywhere else where they could reach new customers.

Client Review:

Loving this Evergreen Social Media concept. I had no idea of the resources that I already had at hand. I’m impressed with the structure of the program, and the information and knowledge that Peter has.

Looking forward to the next stage of launching this and getting the social media traction I’ve always wanted.

Andrew Burkhill - Pest Cure

How social media has changed these businesses

These clients — who were once complete ‘amateur’ social media users — soon realised the full potential of this new system as they started to experience all the things mentioned earlier:

  • They found more potential customers on social media
  • They could engage directly with existing and potential customers
  • People loved getting know the people behind the business
  • Their followers were discovering and sharing their content
  • They didn’t need to work hard to attract eyeballs to their websites
  • Those who advertised on social media found it super affordable
  • They could gather reviews that helped attract even more customers
  • Those with brick-and-mortar outlets saw more foot traffic

They were over the moon!


A system that creates a huge bank of authentic social posts!

The system that our social media team developed is based on the same system that I had been using for my own epic Local Online Hero Evergreen Social Media campaign. We thought if it works for us, it should work for our clients.

If you love numbers, then check this out:

  • My social media campaign has a whopping 379 pre-written and pre-vetted social media posts queued to post 1 post 3 times a day, 7 days a week to 7 social media channels over 18 weeks!
  • And then, guess what? The cycle automatically restarts and without me even pushing any buttons.
  • It’s all automated, but each post is personal and designed to attract likes, responses, engagement and enquiries.
  • Now…97% of the posts have one thing in common: they contain a link back to my website.
  • Why? Because that’s what social media posts should be doing … sending people to your website.
  • Social media should be a TRAFFIC DRIVER, a massive business BOOSTER and a POSITIONING tool.

Another bonus is most social media posts don’t have an expiry date.

They’re what we call 'evergreen'.

So, your post can be as valid today as it was 3 months ago and will still be valid 6 months from now when people discover it.

The benefits of 'evergreen' posts

Yes, some posts will be seasonal or time based, but I’m talking about most of the value-add style stellar social media posts. Your business should benefit from them... ‘forever’.

However, as you’ll find out, social media platforms move so quickly. The feed walls where users discover content tend to change at the blink of an eye, with only 27% of your posts getting a decent engagement.

But here’s the thing, if you want be visible on social media, then you need to post. Still, you might get some interaction or some brand or problem-solving awareness, but maybe viewers are not ready to buy from you yet. Maybe the time isn’t right, maybe they got distracted, maybe it was dinner time.

Yet, if you were to repost the same content in 3 to 4 months, and if by then they’re ready to take action, they’ll reach out and BOOM! that’s new business for you right there.

Plus, in this digital age, it seems everyone’s memory retention is … ummm … like that of a goldfish … about 3 to 6 seconds.


But what if there was a way to set up a schedule to repost your stellar social media posts on autopilot?

What if there was a way to see which posts get the best results, so you can easily tweak the power of your social media campaign?

And what if you could choose which platforms each post would be loaded to? Yes, you get to choose the platforms that best suit your business.

That’s how good this system is!


How does the evergreen social media program work?

As part of your social media program, you get 4 meetings over 3 months starting with a strategy and setup session.

You’re guided along the path to become the master marketing guru to collect and curate powerful social media posts that will connect and engage with your audience.

Imagine having a structure and a format that helps you create posts, source quality royalty-free images, and generate simple links to your website to boost web traffic.

One concern business owners often have is how would they capture random ideas and inspirations on the fly and then curate their posts later.

Well, there’s an APP for that.

And once you’ve done all this, your posts are automatically loaded to your social platforms … day in … day out … like clockwork. While you sleep, while you work, while you’re out watching footy.

Just like the epic evergreen social media campaign that I set up for Smarter Websites.

Social media is booming, don’t get left behind!

Technically, this is a one-off fee for an evergreen social media campaign that runs forever or for as long as you want it to run.

Social media is booming, so now is the time to finally get the social media training you need. You’ll learn to create social media content, do easy-peasy social media management and social media posting, and then take your business to the next level.

Because you know what would happen if you don’t? Your competitors will. And when they do, your customers will discover them and flock to them!

But wait there’s more (yup, just like the steak knives)!

For EVERY social media effort, you don’t want to be getting 6 out of 10 for our efforts, right?

You want 10 out of 10.

Our social media team help you achieve this.

We’ll review and help you OPTIMISE your social platforms.

We guarantee you’ll add at least 7 changes to your platforms that will BOOST their performance, ensuring you’re getting 10 out of 10, and ensuring you stand out above your competitors as the social media hero.


So what do you get?

Expert Guidance on FULLY Optimising your social profiles

  • LinkedIn Profile Optimisation
  • LinkedIn Company Page Optimisation
  • Facebook Business Page Optimisation
  • Google My Business Optimisation

4 Direct 1 to 1 Sessions with Peter Butler

Session 1:

  • Social Media Profile Optimisation
  • Social Media Strategy Session
  • Review ALL Online Digital Assets
  • Set Your Social Post Target
  • Create Social Media Resource Centre

Session 2:

  • Identify Easy Content Resources
  • Apply Social Media Best Practices
  • Post & Snippet Brainstorm Session
  • Get the APP for Simple Ideas Capture
  • Social Leverage World Domination Plan

Session 3:

  • Review Evergreen Social Media Status
  • Create – Collect – Create Post Content
  • Setup Easy Approve Label System
  • Detailed Easy Success Implementation Plan
  • Stage 2 Social Media Profile Optimisation

Session 4:

  • Create Library Resource Centre
  • Social Media Library Onboarding
  • Develop Social Media Schedule
  • Launch Your Epic Evergreen Campaign
  • Tweak For Maximum Brand Awareness

How, What, When and Where!

4 Week Program, 2 hours each session: The mission, should you choose to accept, is to create a minimum of 100 (yes, one hundred) high quality Social Media Evergreen posts. The second part of the challenge is automation, to use low-cost auto-posting software so your social media posts get published across ALL your social media channels, like a well-oiled machine, for maximum leverage.

Evergreen - meaning it is as valid today as it will be in 3 months or 12 months. Content that can be reused and reposted to boost brand awareness, engagement, connections, and create a steady stream of new clients.

Start Date: October 14 (Subsequent dates Oct 21, 28, Nov 4)

Time: Friday 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Where: Zoom (Recorded and made available to participants only)

Attend each session, get the APP, do the homework, open your mind and you will be amazed at the resources you already have, and will become available, to create an epic social media posts library that you can grow beyond all your expectations. To do this, you need a system. This system will also work for years into the future.


Smarter Evergreen Social: District32 Members ONLY Special Offer

We offer 2 simple and affordable options to help you get the most out of your social media budget:

Smarter Evergreen Social - Single Payment

$ 495 One Time

Smarter Evergreen Social - 2 Part Payment

$ 275 2 Payment Plan

Remember, Evergreen Social Media Campaigns run FOREVER... so this is only a one off investment, but the social posting in ONGOING...

And it can can easily be tweaked, extended, evolve as your business evolves, added to as you please...

OH, and you OWN this, all the digital assets are setup in YOUR name, this is your box of goodies, never be held hostage with your social media assets, this is YOURS....

Here's the thing:

We normally work 1 to 1 with business owners and the DIY Program is $4400. The DFY (done for you) Program is $11,000. True story - see normal offer page:


I am not saying this to impress you, but to impress upon you that you might want to pay attention to this deal and to act quickly so that you're not upset that you missed it! There are LIMITED SEATS!

So don't sit on the fence, this is a game changer. Make a decision NOW.

We have provided 2 payment options to make it a no-brainer!

Client Review:

Peter's knowledge on leveraging from social media is remarkable.

And his ability to frame and systemise a process that most would consider daunting is equally impressive.

The system is what makes this so easy. Within weeks of starting Peter's Evergreen Social Media we had over 100 social media posts done, approved and ready to post. Best business marketing move ever!

Chris Muir-Smith - HR Dept: Mandurah, Rockingham and Kwinana

Smarter Evergreen Social: District32 Members ONLY Special Offer

We offer 2 simple and affordable options to help you get the most out of your social media budget:

Smarter Evergreen Social - Single Payment

$ 495 One Time

Smarter Evergreen Social - 2 Part Payment

$ 275 2 Payment Plan

Business owners are THE best ambassadors for their business. The issue though, is the time and the means to fully be that ambassador.

This system helps to get 'from your head' what needs to be published in the social media space to take your online marketing to that next level.

  • You choose how many posts get created ahead of time
  • You choose how many posts get posted per week and per day
  • You choose how many social platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google MY Business, etc) you publish to

This is a *high level* content marketing strategy:

  • Boost your brand awareness
  • Boost your social media reach
  • Boost your traffic to your website
  • Boost your enquiries and results

Do it once and do it well and this social media and content marketing strategy will outlast you. Your social media campaigns will run forever...

Smarter Evergreen Social: District32 Members ONLY Special Offer

We offer 2 simple and affordable options to help you get the most out of your social media budget:

Smarter Evergreen Social - Single Payment

$ 495 One Time

Smarter Evergreen Social - 2 Part Payment

$ 275 2 Payment Plan
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