Designing Web Sites with Strategic Intent


Most websites are nothing more than an online brochure, and business owners often don’t realise the ‘opportunity cost’… until it’s too late…

Find out how a website can be ALL these things in your business:

  • Marketing tool
  • Sales tool
  • Lead Generation tool
  • Qualifying tool
  • Engagement tool
  • Educational tool
  • Functional tool
  • New Client onboarding tool

It starts with the strategic intent, the outcomes you should want to achieve, and the customer experience journey.

Your website should be dynamic, ever evolving, as your business grows and evolves.

Find out more about how to integrate your website more with your business, and your business more with your website.


Overview of the Session:

  • Design and wireframe structure, customer experience journey, outcomes
  • Lead Generation and qualification opportunities
  • Core SEO and website structure
  • Functional internal applications of your website


Personal Biography:

Peter has managed 6 businesses in 4 different industries over 36 years. Since 2006 I've been in the website design and online digital space.

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