Set Yourself Up as an Authority: Close More High-Value Building Contracts

If you’re losing deals to competitors despite producing better homes,
are tired of being dependent on the whim of referrals,
and would like to achieve an ‘impossible’ 33.5 percent markups - this is a must-read…

Inside This Free Guide, You’ll Discover:

  • The percentage of revenue to spend on marketing if you want to get markups above 30 percent (and why it’s 100% possible, even though very few builders are doing it)
  • The best, most proven type of marketing for builders (according to one institute, it generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing at 62 percent less cost)
  • The 7 foundational “stones” required to build a robust online presence that sets you apart from your competition

(and the two reasons why referrals are the worst trap you can fall into as a builder)

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